here at SSR we live for the road there is nothing better than getting on your bikes and hitting the road we take a diffent route each time we go out we look the world as big road to explore and when you find that hidden gem hiding away off the betan track that gives the ride of your life thats what life on the road is about and then we life off the road getting together and having a good time with partys meets and and all the trips to best events around we help each other out in any way we can but we wont ask anyone to do somthing we wont be to do back gose by the old rule what gose aroud comes around we like to say we offer you a big family and thats just what we are we have members all over the world and all treat each other as if we was blood related

 We are going to be hold events all year round there will be a easter run for the kids that are spending easter in hospital there
will be a summer beach BBQ just for the fun of getting together and having a good time there will also be a x-mas run to rasie for kids in hospital over x-mas

South side riders history
The group has been together since 1998. We've all share the love for the open road, adrenaline rush & great friendship. As a club we travel the US on trips to see new places and meet other enthusiast with the same love for riding.

Members testimonials
Being a South Side Rider I've gotten to know some good people, which all have the same love for riding. This is a club where each person enjoys helping build a better club and in return become skilled riders- Pat Brown.

The uk charter was once the burning souls mcc that then got talking with SSR and we both found out both clubs was formed for the same goals and then burning souls mcc became the uk's 1st charter and now we are part of SSR we are always growing in size and looking to find the best roads and partys in the uk.

We are based in nottingham so is a good start point for the charter being in the middle of the uk it also gives the chance to grow around the uk also easy to find the best roads in the uk as we can just go and ride it.

We also have charters in florida, california, north carolina, germany, new york, boston  and now japan so as you can see ssr is on its way around the world we are in contact with all charters every day so we know what each of us doing and we plan world events so there for as a south side rider you get the chance to see the world and meet members from all over and ride there best roads some which are like nothing you have ever riden before.